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Looks like you’ve had a frolic with a flower garden… – or did you drop the bride’s bouquet?

This exquisite net is littered with sprays of 3D flowers in a cascade of teal, crimson and lime colours making for a modern take on your mother’s or grandmother’s “Mother of the Bride” fitted frock for your wedding. How they didn’t all pass out in a summer wedding in Australia – what with the inability to breathe courtesy of the girdle underneath!

These days, thank our lucky stars, we have wise mothers and grandmothers who understand they have the right to be comfortable at their family weddings – and they can be the last at the party!.. especially since they have probably slaved tirelessly in the years leadup!

Throw on the heels for your entrance – but have the flats on standby once the music starts, and you really can be last at the party.
